A hybrid between Humanoid, dragon, vampire, lion. They are basically a fire elemental.
The Primary of the team of mythological creatures. The Strongest of the race, They're known for their magic, strength, and beauty.
They inhabit the island of Diancia, they rule this world of smaller mythical creatures with an iron fist. But they mostly like to be in the dark for some reason, but they sometimes appear in the light because they have fire DNA in the vain and the sun has heat particles. But rarely a few of them appear.
When they get started or if their is an intruder, they start to get hostile and attack.
When they attack, their eyes turn purple. They start to sped their wings and scream. When they start moving, they start flying to your direction, attack you.
But They weren't always violent creatures, they were know for their magic. The Fire inside them was used for magic and power. Just because they attack savage doesn't mean they are intelligent. Like doctor strange, They can also Make Portals, travel trough time. Like Mewtwo, they can teleport, and do telekinesis.